Where the Wild Microbes Grow

Check out the new eBook Where the Wild Microbes Grow — now available, free on iBooks and pdf!  The book is fun way for young, future scientists and subterranauts to learn about “inter-terrestrials” and various ecosystems.  I learned about the book through my work with the Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations and maybe you’ll even recognize some of the scientists on the last page!

GUSTA ME: Statistics Helper

I am happy to report that, in a world of packages, a package that has been built to educate the user is finally here!  The GUide to STatistical Analysis in Microbial Ecology (GUSTA ME) is an online venue developed  by German researchers to explore different types of data analysis techniques and decide which method is appropriate for your problem at hand.  On top of that, they provide code to help you perform PCA, CCA, NMDS, ANOSIM, etc. on your data and an open forum for discussion.  Check it out!


The subterranaut (pronounced: sub\cdotterrain\cdotnot) was inspired by my work on high throughput sequence data of the deep terrestrial subsurface.  

Coming from a background in biochemistry, I realized that there was a steep learning curve to begin working with high throughput sequence data.  Raw data files were larger than my iTunes library and scanning through endless rows on an Excel file felt like a hopeless task.  I knew that there must be better way to handle my large datasets and analyze them.  This blog contains the steps I took to understand my sequence data.  Many of the posts are direct answers to the wide range of questions that I had as I began to enter this field.  I hope others can use this blog as a roadmap to ease their transition from working in the lab to working on high throughput sequence data.

I hope you enjoy!